Le procès d'Alieu Kosiah est partiellement reporté mais commencera malgré tout la semaine prochaine

The Trial of Alieu Kosiah Will Begin Next Week, but Is Partially Postponed Today, November 23, the Swiss Federal Criminal Court announced that the Alieu Kosiah trial will be partially postponed until the beginning of 2021 – tentatively in February. The Court has decided to only proceed with the preliminary questions and the hearing of the […]

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Le procès d'Alieu Kosiah reporté à la fin de l'année 2020

Alieu Kosiah’s Trial Postponed until the End of 2020 The trial of Alieu Kosiah, former United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy (ULIMO) commander, has again been postponed by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court. The trial was initially scheduled to take place in April 2020, in Bellinzona, Switzerland. However in March 2020, it was postponed by the Court […]

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